Rat with wings

1. Pigeons (Those little grey/white/speckled birds that live in cities and steal food)

2. Something unnatural, but awsome. Normally a thing that seems strange at first, but when looked at a little longer is actually very cool.

"Shit! That rat with wings stole my sandwich!"


Bob: "Caffinated water? What the hell is that?!"
Bill: "Yeah, it's a bit of a rat with wings"
by SquirrelInATree November 24, 2009
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Rat with wings

Joe:"I just got rabies after that Rat with wings bit me"

by SALTYteaBAG June 17, 2009
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rats with wings

Depending upon where you live, "rats with wings" are seagulls or pigeons. So named because of their scavenger natures.
Give me a gun, so I can shoot some of those annoying rats with wings.
by JulesV February 9, 2012
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