occuring at a minimum of one year, the group meets up by various means of transportation. activites generally include hot food, story telling, and harassment to the locals in the city in fine exotic establishments. Reunion tour members are often greeted by urine drenched people in atm terminals.
C - I'll be there in a week
E - reunion tour?
K - peggy made us bat cookies!
by foug January 31, 2005
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When you break up with someone, but proceed to have sex with them.
Caroline and Trevor broke up 5 days ago, but had sex yesterday....REUNION TOUR
by Harvard Harry November 1, 2010
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In the wake of the CO-VID 19 pandemic, which occurred in the spring of 2020, the Youtube gods attempted to crack down on the hysteria by demonetizing content that contained the word 'Corona', 'Virus' or '19' in any variation, especially in that specific succession. So in an effort to avoid divine punishment, humanity made the collective decision (headed by Dan Avidan of the Game Grumps) to henceforth refer to the virus only as the 'Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour'.
Seven people in my town died after attending the Backstreet Boys reunion tour.
by Marsakali April 3, 2020
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