The recent, emerging and growing (mostly virtual) culture enervated out of the safety precautions and societal changes resulting from the SARS-COV2/COvID-19/coronavirus pandemic . Examples of this culture include the exponential increase in Zoom communications, WFH (Work From Home) experiences, quarantining (as recommended by the CDC for 14 consecutive days after possible exposure to a person with COVID-19 or anyone outside of the household you live with who may be an asymptomatic carrier able to infect you. Tik-Tok and virtual/in-person hybrid schooling and masking up, staying 6 feet apart, etc... these are all parts of Quar Culture. It is out of this Quar Culture that our future zeitgeist will emerge, but forever with the foundational influence of this world-changing pandemic.
Eating disorders in adolescents are worsening during the pandemic because of the large role social media plays in Quar Culture.
by MLE p February 22, 2021