"All you sucker DJ's who think you're fly
There's got to be a reason and we know the reason why
You try to Put on airs and act real cool
But ya got to realize that you're acting like fools" ~ Cameo
There's got to be a reason and we know the reason why
You try to Put on airs and act real cool
But ya got to realize that you're acting like fools" ~ Cameo
by DangerKick March 15, 2012
She put on aires when her friend came to the office as she boasted about how valuable she was at the office.
by Sassy1234 April 28, 2008
To blaze chronic. To spark it up. Have a PPG party. What you say when you don't want to say anything.
by Kang_O_Slang May 14, 2006
by Cody M. April 7, 2006
Get the put something in the air mug.
by imQaif January 13, 2023