A person who has the compulsion to purge their darkest secrets or rat themselves out with little or no prompting.
Person 1: Hey, you seem nice, will you just watch over my little girl for 5 minutes while I try to change this tire.
Purgist: I'd love to, but I have to tell you, I have ADD and I'm easily distracted, I'm a boarder-line alcoholic, I lack the ability to make even the smallest decision, and I have a hard time controlling my bodiliy functions.
Person 1: On second thought, I'll just leave her in the back seat.

Roomate: Hey, Mindy, just remember our rent's due next week.
Purgist: Okay, here's my share of it. By the way, I was pissed off that you finished all the cookies, so I peed in your shoes, it wasn't the cat, and I feel much better now.
by p@$$ing thr.ugh January 16, 2010
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