Premeditated Manslaughter is when your lawyer conives your life into a living hell of their plundering your rights & assets bringing collateral damage to your family provoking you into re-action with the ultimate defence!
Mayuko: Did you hear about Big John McLintock QC who stripped one too many clients of their life savings and assets?
Phil: What again? I'd heard about his ex-client whom he left penniless retired & unable to fend for herself financially who committed suicide?
Mayuko: Yeah, but this time the Client reacted- ran him splat sideways with a heavily modified Norton Commando Speedster Twin 750; Client claimed an accident after being driven mad by Big John he had it all planned, I reckon: 'Premeditated Manslaughter'.
Phil: Good luck using the premeditated murder defence against ... Anyhow, didn't you hear: Karma justice? JohnMcLinden had an affair with the Black Widow whom he got off for murder but her Russian gangster boyfriend arranged an execution. Of course, She still walks free!
by VapourTrail October 13, 2019
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