"im going to go slam some power into my toilet!"
by Tal-ev Osimao October 19, 2004
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The act of taking your unsuspecting victim, putting your dick in her ass, then taking her upside-down and slamming her head first on to the floor as hard as possible.
I gave Samantha The Penis Power Slam so hard, her neck snapped and she went in to a coma for 3 years! When she woke up... I did it again!!
by Pubic Dreadlocks July 9, 2009
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To strike something with great enough force to completely destroy both objects involved; to completely consume an entire beverage in a ridiculously minimal amount of time.
Myron: "De Jongh you completely slam powered that guys face!"

De Jongh; "I know but i also shattered all the bones in my hand!"

Cash: "Well lets slam power some brewskies to make that hand feel better!"
by Fly1ngDutchman1 February 28, 2010
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