When someone has been a couch potato all day and as a result is groggy, grumpy and anti-social.
1: "She just sits on the couch all day and watches tv, whenever I try to talk to her she's short and rude."

2: "sounds to me like she has couch potato syndrome"
by barbiegirl_wicky wicky January 4, 2011
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A human that becomes a potato that rolls around screaming and sprouts arms and legs at one point. The cure is to eat five peanuts every day for 360 days. When becoming a potato, eat that human fast before they reproduce and try to kill you with their mini potato children.
Mother: Omg! My son is a potato! Doctor help what do I do?

Doctor: Eat him, it’s too late he has the abusive potato syndrome.
by A goddamn god April 11, 2019
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Happens When you get so high that you become immobilized and have a hard time getting up or talking at all.
Ross smoked so much that he showed all the symptoms of the potato syndrome, he was unable to move and his words were barely audible.

Everyone could tell that Luke had been smoking some of the good stuff, he was so high he became unable to function properly.

Ryan saw how Luke was and immediately assumed he had the Potato high syndrome
by jerrythabomb May 14, 2014
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A psychological symptom that is most common among Gamers, particularly those who have recently owned a high-end gaming device after an extensive period of time using low-end ones, which are commonly referred to as Potato PCs or laptops. Although their new devices can run high graphics, gamers with Potato Syndrome would experience anxiety and worry that high settings might over-stress their devices and would turn the graphics down.
-Man I just bought a 4090 but I just worry I would destroy it with all those settings.
-Oh you have severe potato syndrome from your mom's laptop, just turn those graphics on don't worry.
by Davy2236 August 1, 2023
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Jealousy of sorts from the potato famine in which some people had potatoes and others had less. Some less fortunate were transported to Australia.
Get rid of that Paddy Potato Syndrome , it's eating ye up inside. And stop drinking around our children ye'll turn them into drunkards.
by sgmc81 July 21, 2018
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