When a gay man farts after raw dawg anal sex.
Man John that pooof that leaked from your ass smells like rotten cum!
by BlunT IT! March 11, 2019
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Almost the same as a poof but just a little bit more......more like a clem.
oh my, that bag does'nt go with those shoes clem. I think you came out of the wrong closet......if you know what I mean...ma
by Thel. December 25, 2003
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Your an extremely bitch as nigger who just should leave once this has been said
Jeremy: “Hi bob your looking hot today”
Bob: “Fuck of You Fucking PoOof”
by HughJanus_OOP March 11, 2021
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Pretty much means your a gay ass nigga who should probably leave after this has been said to them
Jeremy: “hey bob your looking pretty handsome today!”
Bob: “Fuck off You Fucking PoOof”
by HughJanus_OOP March 11, 2021
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