as you've heard from Outkast's southerplayalisticcadiallacmuzik, they have coined the term playas ball, or players ball. Used mostly in the southern states.
Used to describe a get together of players breaking off a peice of indo and drinking some champagne, or hey, even a 40 oz and just kicking back, listening to some tunes, with a girl on your lap. This is a players ball. Note: a players ball, is usually described as a a nice room or place, there is nohing ghetto about this, very classy,for high maintenance players/playas usually has a pool table, nice stereo, bar,chandeliers in the livnig room, jacuzzi in the back and several rooms for a little love time. :)
andre: what are you doing tonight?

marquise: man, weg oin to the playas ball bring a cutie or two.

andre: sooo-weeee!
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An opportunity to hate on a diverse range of mark ass marks, trick ass mark, punk bitches and skip scap skanks and skallywags, hoes, heffers, hee haws and hoolie hoos.
We're going to the Playa Hater's Ball!
by Dave Paton December 2, 2007
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A Ball, or gathering, attended by various Playa Haters on Chappelle's Show, including, but not limited to, Silky Johnson, Buc Nasty, Mr. Roboto, and Ice-T.
HBO now takes you into the underground world of the Playa Haters...
by James Bond! September 8, 2004
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A recognition ceremony for all the player haters; at the player hater's ball, they play games, have contests on who can hate the most and argue. Otherwise known as the Alpha Phi Formal. (Melissa Acosta)
"Man, some Alpha Phi asked me to the Playa Hater's Ball this weekend, little did I know it was their formal!"
by bbandits May 5, 2009
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