The act of having sexual intercourse over time with someone that is also just a friend.
J.D. : "If you hadn't said platonic sex I would have thought that they were platonic friends and that's it."
by HardShellBurrito May 17, 2021
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Sexual relations between a man and a woman in which there are no emotions, but instead a feeling of friendship. Men typically enjoy this form of sexual intercourse, where as women typically dislike it. This phrase is a contradiction to itself.
"Bro, I just had sex with Megan!"

"Was it platonic sex?"
by Icecreamreaper August 13, 2011
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Unlike some people who confuse platonic sex with casual sex, platonic sex means sex with someone who you don’t have any sexual attraction to. For example most lesbians in porn are just jacking each other off without actually feeling any sexual pull or attraction. These types of relationships exist in real life too, distinct from a traditional “friends with benefits” because the sexual attraction component is distinctly missing. Platonic sex just involves two friends jacking each other off, without any sexual attraction to each other, like a vibrator but it’s a person. Some straight people would be uncomfortable with this because being sexually close with someone of the same gender disgusts them, or gay people with someone of the opposite gender. However there are many others who experience neither disgust or attraction and can have platonic “sex” with someone of the gender they aren’t attracted to. See also, gay for pay or acting.
P1: Me and Becky jacked each other off last night it was great
P2: oh damn I didn’t know you guys were gay
P1: oh naw we’re both totally straight it’s just platonic sex
P2: isn’t that just the definition of being gay?

P1: no... gay people are actually sexually attracted to each other, Becky and I don’t have chemistry like that we’re just helping each other out
by acebutch July 5, 2020
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That feeling when their voice does things to your brain.. and you're more turned on by conversation than you would be if the words were tainted by sex.
Person to Person they like to talk to and like: "Y'know, I look forward to the powerful effect of platonic ear sex when I know I'll be talking to you."
by ICantWord December 8, 2016
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