When you are playing squads on Fortnite with 3 friends and the random decides he doesn't want to follow the rest of the team, so he goes off and does his own thing.
Wow, all three of us went to Tilted Towers, but the random went to Lonely Lodge, we have been Pickle Ricked !
by Sandy' Cheeks April 15, 2018
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Me: I'm Pickle Rick!
Friend: That's the funniest shit I've ever seen.
by Damo The Human March 15, 2020
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Me: So its a show about a genius grandpa and his grandson
you: Go on.....
Me: and shit me not, there's an episode where he turns himself into a pickle and calls himself pickle rick. It was the funniest shit I've ever seen
You: o:
by ISwearImNotaSImp March 26, 2020
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Morty... Flip over the pickle, Morty...
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Funniest shit ever created.
then he called himself Pickle Rick
by declue 2.0 March 26, 2020
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An episode of rick and morty where rick Sanchez turns into a pickle to get out of therapy
Morty I’m pickle rick !!!!!
by 5p bags from asdas October 21, 2018
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