a super sexy girl that likes to hangout in her basement and play pokemon. she knows all the pokemons name because they once visited her in a dream. she likes to walk around naked because she is not ashamed of her body like all you uptight bitches and hoes. has a huge donk and double ds and a vajayjay made of butter and gold.
man that chick is such a parker
helllll no theres only one parker
by pinktaco3535 February 19, 2011
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Parker is a super sweet guy and can change your miss instantly! He can make anyone laugh after anything. He will help you for so much, and he makes the most perfect boyfriend in the world. Don't let a Parker go girls, he's a real keeper. Jk he's a mother fucking douce asshole and you should probably hate him. He will date you, but only if you have a nice ass and boobs. Ps he has a small dick. K bye.
Girl one: Parker is so sweet!

Me: what are you on?
by Swagswagswag420jkdrugsrbad February 22, 2015
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a freak that has oddly shaped freckles, smiles too big, and should get an application for the circus.

a.k.a. Parkah the Stalkah
Person 1: Eww look at that weird guy over there

Person 2: Oh my goshh hes such a parker ! gross.
by shinkbob June 15, 2008
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The cutest boy I have ever seenšŸ˜But yet so very shyšŸ„“ He is very good at FortnitešŸ˜Ž And can be a asshole at timesšŸ˜“He likes sports such as basketballšŸ˜©He is the best boyfriend anyone could havešŸ˜Never reject a ParkeršŸ„µ
Girl 1:Omg he is so cute
Girl 2:Back off heā€™s mine
PARKER the cutest and finest boy on the earth
by Lici S July 25, 2019
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Normally a young jit that flexes with stuff they never bought gayness is generally a huge factor also
by Jitexposed March 21, 2018
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A very hot dirty blonde guy. Thatā€™s a little chubby but very cute. Usually sings or plays an instrument but is also very funny. Usually dates short short girls that have their hair either bleached or their hair is brown or dirty blonde . Everyone wants to get with Parker.
Girl: hey do you see that hunk over there
Girl2: yeah thatā€™s Parker heā€™s in my chorus group he flirts with me a lot

Girl: Lucky
by Blurry January 26, 2018
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