when funny ass ghostly shit happens to black ppl like myself
black girl: i think dere sum really fucked up paranormal blacktivity a churches chicken on 153 street

black girl 2: gurl how u noe tht

black girl: cuz gurl i alway buy 5 biscuit at da store but when i got home dere was only 3 up in da box

by kay2flee February 11, 2011
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a. one who has appeared randomly from any direction which has, in turn, caused disturbance to a group of people, friends or a single person.

b. random person in any given form who has appeared causing any form of disturbance wearing black.

c. random black person coming out of nowhere, clearly having no origin on the current scene
a.) I was calmly walking the school yard (or college campus) when I saw a shadow from the corner of my eye, I go to look and see nothing. Moments later a familiar face appears in front of me and I jump! As they laugh, I'm thinking, "...pure Paranormal Blacktivity."

b.) "Dude! What the heck! You just Paranormal Blacktivitied me (us, them, etc.)!"


"Oh ginger snaps, did you see that?!" person a.
"Naw what was it?" person b.
"Not WHAT but WHO! Paranormal Blacktivity." person c.
by SSAshril20 January 22, 2012
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