Usually called Paddy in short. A guy who looks extremely innocent but is capable of surprising you and exceeding your expectations.
Always funny and is a family man when it comes to jokes - appreciates dad and dead baby jokes equally. Doesn't depend on Instagram for validation which is rare and great. Decent taste in music. Incredible at roasting and hates nice people.
Girl 1 : Hey, that guy is exactly like Padmanabh.
Girl 2: Yes he's mine but who's your Paddy?
by Meerakat January 10, 2022
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Padmanabh is a brilliant person and super-rich and everyone wants him to be a friend of theirs. Naruto and Game of thrones celebrities are their best friends him and also Ali is a person who is a friend of him.
Girl 1 - Hey see he is Padmanabh
Girl 2- I love him
Every girl in the world - I love Padmanabh.
Ali- Who is Padmanabh?
by Naruto and Bran November 24, 2021
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Padmanabh (n.) A man who is so handsome, charming, and intelligent that he is worthy of worship.


That guy over there is such a Padmanabh. He's got everything going for him: looks, brains, and personality.
"I wish I could find a Padmanabh like that."
"He's the most Padmanabh guy I know."
"I'm so lucky to have a Padmanabh in my life."
by rlon November 6, 2023
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