Overwatch means Salt, like the thing you put on your food? It can also mean someone being "Salty".
Hey, dad, can you pass the overwatch?
Wow that guy is really playing like overwatch today.
by oofooferson April 9, 2018
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A better game than Fortnite. It has a better reward system and does not require you to pay to get cool skins. Fortnite does require you to pay to get cool things and it's really annoying. Overwatch is an amazing game and once you play it will will delete Fortnite at once.
Friend: Hey you want to play Overwatch!
Other Friend: Oh yeah! Hold on let me delete Fortnite!
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broken controllers
I broke way too many controllers playing overwatch
by cfree417 January 26, 2021
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One who is addicted to playing overwatch 24/7 forgetting about the real world
Oliver is an overwatcher..he is usually found in his natural habitat again..playing overwatch on the xbox and arranging flash mobs to appear in his bedroom.
by Boogalloo queen April 21, 2017
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SALT, Salt and some more salt creates OVERWATCH the most cancerous game out there full of hanzo mains and shitty teammates the best choice of gam for you if you want to get autism quick
Friend: Do you wanna play overwatch
Friend2: that salty cancerous game?
by sexygamergirl69 March 11, 2018
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When no one protects the fuckn payload and the russians wont stop screaming and when everything is cancer
by dr loserfruit May 13, 2018
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