A chance encounter with the Divine. Accidental transcendence. Karmic beginner's luck. Unintentional attainment of spiritual enlightenment. A wandering soul who stumbles upon Utopia. An inadvertent beneficiary of Supreme benevolent favor. Jehovah's pet. Ignorant bliss.

Omnipotent + Serendipity = Omnipotydipity

Derived from:

Omnipotent - Supreme universal creative force. An unprecedented event. Infinite; The first big thing. Creative force behind all space, time and dimension. Patent holder of "all of the above." More than everything everywhere all-of-the-time combined all at once. The undefeated champ of rock, paper, scissors.

combined with:

Serendipity - A chance encounter with the sublime. Fortuitous grace. Charmed. Lucky. Ideal.

Omnipotent + Serendipity = Omnipotydipity

Or the hippie colloquial (vulgar) variant: an enormously astute erection. Occasionally spelled: O m N i P i T i D i P i T i
The stars aligned that sultry night and filled our hearts with OMNIPOTYDIPITY

The Grateful Dead concert was so intense that Shakedown Street oozed OMNIPOTYDIPITY all night long.

Look at all of the Hippies! Its freaking OMNIPOTYDIPITY all the doo-dah day !!

The young lovers all OMNIPOTYDIPITY do all they omnipotydipity did until the campfire was omnipotydipity done.
by Bob Who February 22, 2023