Another word for 'The Devil'
Reeled off in a seventies horror film as one of the many slang words for Satan possibly ancient English possibly used like 'you be careful out there lad you'll be gotten by "Old Nick"'
by Mellowchatter October 9, 2009
Old Nick is the hottest man you will EVER meet. He’s extremely funny, especially when he moans. He can be aggressive when mad. His dog is often sick and he owns a red pick up truck.
by thisisnotmelanie November 11, 2018
"Old Nick you suck."
by Merassmunch November 6, 2014
The real name for the man you breaks into your house and eats everything you have, but only leaves a box of coal under your tree.
by Random perosn February 22, 2019
Is that old saint nick
by Illeb December 22, 2021