The opposite of saying "Oh my God!" because God spelled backwards is dog, which is the opposite of cat. So I suppose that makes it the opposite reciprocal or some term like that. From the song "Never Ending Math Equation" by Modest Mouse.
Person 1: Hey, guess what I just got
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Front row tickets to see (Insert your favorite band here) next week!
Person 2: Oh my cat!!
by Miss Muffet October 19, 2004
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A term used by those 2 out of 3 lol cats that believe in Ceiling Cat and do not believe in Christianity's "God", therefore they do not use the term "OMG" a.k.a "Oh My God".
"OMCCWTFBBQ! A Capshun!" said the lol cat on

"OMCC (Oh My Ceiling Cat) thats one funny lol cat"
by Assassin Phone Inc. June 13, 2008
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Unvoiced for Oh my God.

The /g/ sound is the the voiced cognate of the unvoiced /k/, and the /d/ sound is the voiced cognate of the unvoiced /t/, thus, articulator placement during production cat is identical to the production of the word god. God backwards may be dog, but God unvoiced is cat.
Oh my cat, what a cute houseplant.
by NYPopcat June 17, 2022
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