A very thoughtful and friendly person who is fun to be with and very emotional
My bestie is an Obieze
by Hydrø19 November 26, 2021
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He is generally the greatest person you'll ever come across. He can be a very quiet person at times but once he gets going he can be one of the most funniest people. This person is probably one of the most kind hearted person you'll ever come across. Hell try and help you out no matter who you are to him. He is very good and listening to peoples problems and giving advice. The amount of care he'll show you will be so unmatched. Having him as a boyfriend will be the best thing for you as a person. He's trustworthy, loyal, caring, loving and etc. One of the best things about having him as a boyfriend is he is extremely caring and affectionate. He'll check If you're all good, if you've eaten, if you're tired, give you reassurance and so much more.With his caring comes a great deal of clingyness, not in the jealous way. Obieze is a very driven person. He sets goals and strives to achieve them no matter how hard it is. Once he gets going he's an unstoppable force of nature. He is really good with babies too, and they themselves are attached to him. His personality is just one of his best traits. He You'll never get bored of him because he is always a joy to talk to and because of this people tend to fall for him quickly. He is just an overall PERFECT person. He is just so flawless and very attractive. If you get your hands on one of him DONT LET GO
A: Obieze You're hella fine...where you from
by manslikesitthick November 22, 2021
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