1. To express oneself using only the lower half of ones arms to speak.
Kelly looks like a T-rex when she nygaards.
by mbork December 4, 2007
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hey, who’s that youtuber you’re watching?
oh, that’s just safiya nygaard!
by addisonr543 August 12, 2021
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Viljar Nygaard is a definisjon og a greek god. Viljar is also a guy who can do every thing of a sport when he touches it.
Viljar nygaard is person who people think is a weird little gnome that loves the word ni**er, because he thinks all of those should leave Norway forever. And he’s also a little bit gay.
Are you a Viljar august nygaard?
You look like a Viljar august nygaard
by Viljar august nygård December 7, 2022
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