by Sam Evil August 16, 2006
by Pie-mafia September 18, 2018
A small ex mining village on the outskirts of Nottinghamshire. Commonly known by locals as a holding pen for the Jeremy kyle show. Its claim to fame is the invention of tracksuit bottoms tucked into socks. Many of the residents look malnourished, this is due to their diet of spice, special brew & Richmond cigarettes, which they claim gives them super human shoplifting abilities. The village gains its name from its founder Barry Creswell, who held the world record for most items shop lifted in under one minute and recently appeared on the hit TV show dancing on spice.
by Gaaarg I'm a pirate January 10, 2019
Alex Nott is a sarcastic person. Never make a stupid remark around him because he’ll make you look like even more of an idiot.
by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022
The World's Oldest Football League Club
Formed in 1862, Notts County remains the supreme football club in the East Midlands of England, overshadowing their impoverished neighbours across the River Trent, Nottingham Florists.
Formed in 1862, Notts County remains the supreme football club in the East Midlands of England, overshadowing their impoverished neighbours across the River Trent, Nottingham Florists.
by SwalePie September 28, 2009
A pussy ass bitch that's 2 and 3/4 inches tall. He tends to think he's the fucking shit even though he's a piece of shit.
by Ugly rat October 14, 2017