A book written by Missy Miliani that debuted on itunes and sold a million copies.
did you read that book The Bad Girls Rules? Its a good book! Im a bad girl now cuz of it!
by Bossladyforsure December 24, 2010
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Saying something isn't that bad means that they it is exactly that bad.
Guy 1: Bro, your girl is gross.
Guy 2: Come on man, she's not that bad.
Guy 1: Not that bad rule bro, she is that bad.

Girl 1: Try this sandwich
Girl 2: That thing looks disgusting. I'm not eating that
Girl 1: Come on it doesn't look that bad.
Girl 2: Not that bad rule bitch I wouldn't feed it to my dog.
by coopdaddy19 April 20, 2018
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