The defensive equivalent of center in a game of football, usually the most obese player on a team, usually just to fall on the center.
Did you see that fatass on nose guard fall on Dillon and break his spine?! I swear I heard the earth shake when he fell on him!
by manhandleit24 August 15, 2015
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Individuals defending YouTuber turned coke head Nick Rekieta in the face of his arrest for drug possession and child endangerment.
The Nose Guards are covering for Nick again.
by B.E.C.O. May 30, 2024
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Nose-guarding is to act within a social situation in a similar way for another person that is done as the sporting position of nose guard does.
People are nose-guarding for Nick after his arrest by defending him in spite of the evidence.
by 2nd phase June 4, 2024
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