Nofkyo is an acronym. It stands for “NO ONE FUCKING KNOWS YET, OKAY?”

It is commonly used when someone is being a prick and making bold statements about things that we as humans know nothing about.
Person: Consciousness is so simple. How have scientists not figured it out?
Smarter person: Nofkyo
by CheesyEqqroll December 23, 2019
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It stands for: No one fucking knows yet, okay?
Bratt asks: "What is inside a black hole? " Jim responds with: "Nofkyo!"
by Ansate December 22, 2019
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"No one fucking knows yet, okay?"
An acronym used in one of exurb1a's videos.
Guy1: "Consciousness is so simple, how haven't scientists worked it out?"
Guy2: "NOFKYO. No one fucking knows yet, okay?"
by flangopink December 23, 2019
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"No one fucking knows yet, okay?"

An acronym you can use when you find yourself in a conversation with another human, who is boldly making declarations about things that are still totally unknown.
"Ah consiousness is so simple, how haven't scientists worked it out?"

by Matzeem December 22, 2019
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A little acronym; a mantra if you will.
It stands for, in short:

(popularized by youtuber & writer exurb1a)
A: Conciosness is just a result of our brains doing electronic fancy stuff.

B: nofkyo? Maybe we can't explain it yet and it's a result of something completely different.
by BambusBambusBambus December 23, 2019
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