This is name usually to highly intelligent people who has to strength to change the technical aspects of the world with their engineering skills.The people with this name usually have a nick as theevravadi
He is so nandakishore
by Theevravadi December 27, 2018
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The people with the name "Nandakishor" are literally the smartest in the planet! They are highly intelligent people with Alpha Mentality, who can change the world with their unique and powerful ideas and actions. They are the coolest around there and are born leaders. They are literally the strongest and bravest you could meet with. People with this name are often called with the name "GigaCHAD". If you have any doubts, you can just ask them. Because they are very resourceful and literally know everything. I repeat EVERYTHING!
Nandakishor Is An Intelligent King! 👑
by TheAlphaKing March 14, 2023
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the purest boi in the entire world

purer than him you cant find anyone in the world
trust NandaKishor he will always be right
by alexander kurupp ssf vzxcvz November 25, 2021
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