The greatest person alive. She is so kind and will be there for you when you need it. She'll listen. She can make you laugh when you're feeling down and make the dumbest jokes that it's just hilarious. She can act like a little kid sometimes but that's just what adds to her personality. She says the weirdest things and can be so goofy. But she can be very serious when she needs to be. She is very relatable and you can talk to her about anything for hours. It'll be 2 A.M. and she can be laughing her ass off for 5 minutes straight.
"Nafin is the nicest person I've ever met"
by lola6614 February 11, 2019
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When one is not completely high but has minimum IQ points.
You ain't nafin yet.
by UHHH...Noneya September 19, 2015
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