
A synonym for utmost epicness.
Can be used to replace any word/action/names at any given time.
Can be used as a honorary title.
Washington St? More like "MUKAI" Street!

War Memorial? More like "MUKAI" Memorial!

How are you doing today, your Mukai-ness?
by dahpooks April 5, 2011
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The language of the mukai's.
It replaces most vowels with a very exclusive sound not able to be described with english letters. The speaking of mukai is very flexible to change and is done in a mon otonous highish pitched voice
stop speaking mukai man, its really annoying
by jonty October 15, 2003
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Chocoball Mukai

Japanese porn actor and professional wrestler, so named for his dark brown scrotum.
Chocoball Mukai was arrested again for lewd conduct.
by wanker November 28, 2004
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