A body type that is not obese nor severely overweight but also not too muscular or skinny. Women who have these bodies are typically 5-20 pounds overweight but in the right places. A mom bod typically has thick thighs, a soft and plump but also small stomach, and a big but not excessive butt. Women with mom bods also have good facial structure too. For instance you might be able to make out a jawline or prominent cheekbones. Women with this body type are VERY ATTRACTIVE and are highly desired by men. This post may seem backhanded but I promise you as a member of the male species this body type is fine af. Y’all look amazing (especially in leggings) and y’all give the best cuddles and hugs so there are no complaints on my end. However one thing to note is that all bodies are beautiful however this body type is severely and I mean severely underrated but most men low key love it :)
by Chad Chett November 22, 2021
A body found typically on women ages 20-35 who have just given birth and/ or spend most of their time taking care of their kids rather than going to the gym . A mom bod includes but is not limited to, thick thighs, a soft and round but small belly, love handles, wide hips, a rear end that has the perfect amount of softness, length and width. Women with mom bods are NOT OBESE but they are 5-15 pounds overweight in the right places. A lot of women with mom bods still have their facial beauty but with the extra and amazing body thickness that comes with having children. Having a mom bod is not a bad thing, many guys find it attractive and even prefer it over a rail thin body type. One benefit of having a mom bod is that you’ll look super hot in leggings or yoga pants and you will also give the best cuddles as your body feels like a pillow :) Having a mom bod and being thick are technically the same thing but mom bods are more special because mom bods are more of a symbol of honor.
Friend: hey bro look at that girl over there she thick af like damn
Me: isn’t that Molly? She had a kid but damn she still looks good af she def has a Mom Bod just look at her thighs and butt
Friend : Hell yah mom bods Rock!
Me: isn’t that Molly? She had a kid but damn she still looks good af she def has a Mom Bod just look at her thighs and butt
Friend : Hell yah mom bods Rock!
by Guzz Buzz September 6, 2021
A woman who looks like they just had a kid. They have the attributes of saggy titts, flat ass, hair in a bun at all times and a resting birch face. Lastly they have at least one kid.
by BALL3R24 August 19, 2015
Chick that was hot befor she had a baby and is still banging even after she has had a baby, just her hips are a little wider, but damn do they make them yoga pants look good!
by Beau Kash October 26, 2017
A mother who has birthed a child or raising a child. Who has earned a new beautiful body by giving birth and is now a different type of sexy. She has Tiger stripes and a little extra weight to symbolise motherhood. Mom bods are the new sexy.
by Truthhurtsbaby91 August 21, 2021
A beautiful person with a uterus who has had one or more children and is still a bad bitch. They have beautiful battle scars that make them even more special considering they've just created a WHOLE HUMAN!
They are now entitled to doing whatever they please and their partner now has to do their part and take care of THEIR child so the moms can go anywhere for more than 10 minutes uninterrupted with no sass from their partners.
We much cherish the mother and their mom-bod.
They are now entitled to doing whatever they please and their partner now has to do their part and take care of THEIR child so the moms can go anywhere for more than 10 minutes uninterrupted with no sass from their partners.
We much cherish the mother and their mom-bod.
by EmpowerWomen August 21, 2021
A woman who has had at least one kid and that child has affected her body in such a way that it changes her physical appearance to the point to where she no longer looks like herself. Ex: stretch marks on the hips, thighs and boobs, rounded face, double chin, cellulite ass, saggy boobs from nursing and pumping, a rounded or sagging belly (stomach, abdomin).
Some women are blessed with the natural ability to convert back to a very similar version of themselves or exactly like they were before conceiving. More times then not, these women will have additional kids and will not worry since they are convinced that their bodies can handle it without long term effects. Each child is different and more times than not, these women will have that one child that their body just can't recover from.
Some women are blessed with the natural ability to convert back to a very similar version of themselves or exactly like they were before conceiving. More times then not, these women will have additional kids and will not worry since they are convinced that their bodies can handle it without long term effects. Each child is different and more times than not, these women will have that one child that their body just can't recover from.
by usadad January 11, 2019