Most often described as; history of the God's or greatest History too ever exist. Studies partaken by world renowned scientists have clinically proven that studying Modern History leads to an increased sized genital although studies have also shown that you must already have an 8 inch penis to be doing the subject in the first place whereas in ancient history you are not allowed to have a penis so you can understand how the ancient civilizations felt, eg Sparta, An alarming rate of homosexuality is also shown among Students studying ancient history but studies have not yet proven whether these are natural tendencies or forced upon by the study of the subject. The Department of Education is lobbying to replace English as the only compulsory subject in Year 12 and make it Modern History as there is the belief that Modern History shaped how we live today, our whole society and cultural beliefs, thus there is nothing more important to study. God himslef once stated in a rare appearance that without modern history the world would be no more as he would cap the worlds ass as there would be nothing left to live for.
john:Hey look at that handsome looking kid over there.
jack:Yeah he is the school captain, gets all the ladies and is averaging 99.999999 in all his tests!
john:Oh he must do Modern History?
jack:He sure does, he does 5 units of it.
john:oh! Isn't that impossible?
jack:Nothing is impossible with Modern History!
jack:Yeah he is the school captain, gets all the ladies and is averaging 99.999999 in all his tests!
john:Oh he must do Modern History?
jack:He sure does, he does 5 units of it.
john:oh! Isn't that impossible?
jack:Nothing is impossible with Modern History!
by Dr. Einstein June 10, 2008
extremely difficult class in highschool, mainly taken to obtain a college credit and main student body includes nerds and asians, a regular student or two who are looked down upon and often ignored. involves a ton of reading and note taking.
emotions associated with this class:dread, fear, inadequacy and horror.
The class is challenging and can be quite illuminating, although reading a boring ass text book.
emotions associated with this class:dread, fear, inadequacy and horror.
The class is challenging and can be quite illuminating, although reading a boring ass text book.
student 1: why'd you take Advanced Placement modern European history?
student 2: Mr.Stellpflug said i should enroll last year so i did
1: so what's it like?
2:if your not a nerd, genius or asian it pretty much sucks, but i guess it's okay.
student 2: Mr.Stellpflug said i should enroll last year so i did
1: so what's it like?
2:if your not a nerd, genius or asian it pretty much sucks, but i guess it's okay.
by ordinarySs September 24, 2010