nya milan is awesome. The most prettiest girl in the world. Any guy would die for her. Shes outgoing, definitely a daredevil. She really popular to. Id totally go out with her, she is very weird yet a little bit of a control freak . Shes the funniest, cutest, weirdest, best girl I know 😍❤
Id travel the world for nya milan
by nya milan November 13, 2018
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Best Yone on EUNE League of Legends game, one of the cutest boys in Serbia and yeah
Milan Dragic is a best Yone Player
Did you see how Milan Dragic plays Yone
by Ruuzay November 21, 2021
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The actual worst italian team and was involved in a scandal
AC MILAN is so bad, they cheated and got caught
by spaghetti merchants May 25, 2022
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Connecting the unconnected versions with a lifetime of togetherness who are finding someone with the their apt synonyms of betterhalf. True guide to speak your language of love by understanding your choices and finds your perfect one
Bhagya Milan connecting people with a lifetime of togetherness
by Bhagya Milan November 24, 2021
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I hate Milan fucking Marino so much. I had changed my mind on her for a bit, now it’s just pure HATRED. I hate that bitch so much. She makes you think she’s nice but she’s not, it’s a trap which I had in fact fallen into. I regret it I do. If you ever see a Milan, Tall, Brown hair, Beautiful eyes. BEWARE LADIES AND GENTS… you’ve got trouble headed your way.
She’s such a Milan Nicole Marino, I wish she would vanish forever.
by Shush’s haha November 23, 2021
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