When time slows down while waiting for you food to heat in the microwave. Known side effects are increased hunger, slowing of all the clocks in your house and walking around aimlessly trying to kill time. The microwave minute has the ability to slow time turning one minute into what feels lime an hour.
Kus(9:00 pm): dude when are you gunna get here??
Ryan(9:00 pm): I'll be there in a microwave minute.
Kus(9:00 pm): aight g. Ill see you at 10:00!
Ryan(9:00 pm): I'll be there in a microwave minute.
Kus(9:00 pm): aight g. Ill see you at 10:00!
by x addict3d x June 27, 2010
minutes that seem like they take forever. when someone waits for something in the microwave to get done it feels like a long ass time.
im feeling microwave minutes right now, the clock says its been 4 but its really been like 17 minutes
by sefteraner December 11, 2009