A weed smoking game in which you take a hit and hold it in your lungs until the piece is passed back to you. This game is often difficult, and very harsh on your lungs
by Lord of Swagger November 28, 2012
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A sexual act, in which a man's testicles are held in a womand's mouth as she sucks on them, and the man slaps his penis across her face until he ejaculates on her face.
Guy nummber 1:"Dude, I got Sharon to do a mexican baseball bat last night!!"
Guy number 2:"Oh, man, that's tight. How'd you get her to do that?"
Guy number 1:"I hit her with a regular bat until she agreed to it."
by ohemmeffgee January 17, 2007
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Getting jerked off on a populated school bus by a woman over 20 years older & ejaculating in your pants, leaving 40 different people absolutely disgusted.
That bud ride was absolute Mexican baseball, did you see the reaction that you got?
by May 5, 2022
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