Simply put, McFunlane is a man lacking the smallest inkling of intelligence. He likes to believe that he is an intellectual, even someone who could make a difference someday, but instead he trolls around and brings down those who point out his flaws and utter stupidity. He is so supremely insignificant that his lowly and immature behavior can rub off on completely innocent people. Luckily, however, he preys on the successful and noble, who need only to shrug with pity and move on without fear.

Synonyms: piece of shit, idiot, moron, dumbass
See: Stupid Motherfucker
Person A: McFunlane? Aren't you in your 20s?

McFunlane: Mitholigically speaking, yes.

Person A: That's just sad, Fucklane. May I call you Fucklane?
by DancesWithWolves1 January 14, 2010
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