An order of 3 McGangBangs to go, through the drive thru.
Yeah Luc, Julia, and Mikey all went to McDanks and got the McDriveBy.
by MikeyXU October 17, 2017
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When the McAssholes and dumb Mcbiatchs piss you off so much, you are forced (and encouraged by law) to go on a McDriveby.
Son: Mom, me and Billy are going to go on a McDriveby.
Mom: Only if you're home by suppertime.
Son: Oh, I will be!
Mom: Wait, don't put the Mcbiatchs blood in the Kool-Aid this time. I had to hop like three fences to get away from the po-po's.

Jesus is famous for his many McDrivebys.
by Svend Andersson March 25, 2006
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