1. When one becomes paranoid from smoking cannabis. Marijuana - + - Paranoid = Marinoia
"No, Tess, there are no cops in the bushes. You just have marinoia."
by Matt Cote December 10, 2006
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The paranoia that sometimes results from smoking ample amounts of marijuana. This is due to a THC-induced cannabinoid wonderland/disco party happening in your brain. The amygdala, in particular, becomes overstimulated by the disco party. This effect is temporary and can be mitigated by various fun foods, like an ice cream cone with sprinkles. 🍦
I was in my private backyard enjoying this new 70% Sativa strain called "Hippy Chicken" in my outdoor hammock. I awkwardly trotted my way back to my apartment wearing large Bluetooth headphones while carrying my Van Gogh throw pillow and a gallon of water. I conscientiously dowsed myself in a large mist cloud of Fabreezy (some islandy scent, I think) before traversing the threshold of my apartment back door.

I reclined in my indoor hammock only to immediately receive a call from my local area code. I knew all my contacts were from different area codes. I worried my neighbor or landlord was calling me to say I was being kicked out for being such a stoner.

Alas, it was only the kind pizza delivery driver calling to tell me he was arriving.

I had marinoia.
But then,
I had marinara.

And that, my friends, made all the difference 👍
by Matt the Welcome Mat November 19, 2021
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