Marinde is a kind and cool person. People named Marinde are absolutely gorgeous. Marinde would do everything for their friends, so if you have a friend named Marinde keep them forever. They are extremely good at giving advice and they always know what to say. Their clothing style is amazing. They respect everyone but if you hate on them or their friends they definitely won't stay nice. In conclusion, Marinde is the type of friend everyone needs.
Person 1: Omg look at Marinde's outfit today, it's gorgeous!
person 2: Omg you're right!
by luislime November 22, 2021
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A beautiful girl who is a simp on almost everyone big star. Has multiple fan accounts and is very cute.
Person 1: "She has a fan account on that person with 20k followers"
Person 2: "She must be a Marinde."
by JessicaKaren November 22, 2021
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