A sandwich made up of leftovers from previous meals, and any other foodstuffs found lying about. There is no such thing as a typical manwich.

Manwiches can be found in all walks of life, but are particularly common on camping trips.
Ally: Fancy something to eat?
David: Yeah, sure. What we got?
Ally: Bread, bacon, jam, syrup, cereal. What do you fancy?
David: MANWICH!!!
by beetlejuiceecis February 16, 2009
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a human male, who is extremely attractive in physical appearence; one who is delicious enough to "eat". Varies upon appetite.
Julie, did you see that guy, he's a total manwich!

David Beckham is a manwich supreme!

Damn girl, he ain't no manwich, look at them rolls!
by Something Scary April 14, 2009
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A manwich is another name for a cockmeat sandwich(bj) but has a catchy tune which makes it a lot funnier.
You dont have to be a man to like manwich, you dont have to be a witch either its true, you just have to enjoy a big tasty dinner, and enjoying some of that dinner on you.
by Liger Goat March 17, 2009
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A collection of various meat, and occasionally pickle, usually contained between two slices of bread. If the manwich contains enough meats, an additional layer may be added to be caintained between another slice of bread.
A manwich never contains vegetables (such as cucumber or lettuce) as that might make the manwich remotely healthy. The exception to this rule is the pickle, because it's pickle. Cheese is also an acceptable addition to the manwich.
Person 1: What you having for lunch?
Person 2: I dunno, I got some ham, leftover beef, pork, uh, turkey (I think) and some cheese.
by CustodesAstartes December 12, 2010
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A man between buns.
a term for gays or anal sex.
John: Oooh damn! I wanna make a manwich with Jeff!

Jeff: God, John is such a manwich
by Emiloclypse March 20, 2010
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When a male is smashed in the middle of two other males. Making what is essentially a Man Sandwich A.K.A ManWich.
Why you dudes pressing up on me, Manwich stylie
by Habbolish August 30, 2007
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