Is generally considered a great big giant dirty slut who takes advantage of innocent young men.
Morgane is a manizer who goes out every night shakes her booty till she seduces at least 3 different men and takes them home to her bed on whore island. She also enjoys being d roc'd when she isnt out manizing people. Another one of her favorite past times is seducing Pitterson and having kinky sex with him.
by derka derka muhamad g had September 5, 2006
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one who pleases many boys by performing their most desired fetishes for them. (i.e. abuse, toes, feet, legs, arms, noses)
avon: how would you like to be pleased?
boy #1: my toes, womanizer.

avon: how would you like to be pleased?
boy #2: hit me, womanizer.

avon: how would you like to be pleased?
boy #3: tease me, womanizer.

by masterultra March 30, 2009
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The only guy you could ever want.
When I saw him I knew he was maniz.
by World is stupid November 23, 2021
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