A corrosive recipe of narcissism, antisocial behavior, paranoia, aggression, and a topping of sadism. Grandiose, hostile, unable to tolerate even the smallest criticism, the malignant narcissist undermines families, organizations and associates, consistently attempting to dehumanize others by applying childish nicknames to diminish them in the eyes of others.
The phrase 'malignant narcissism' reminded him of someone, someone front and center, someone in his face, in everyone's face, all day every day... wait... wait... it would come to him.
by Monkey's Dad April 15, 2020
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Oh? You did a study to confirm the thing that I saw with my naked eye? And I was CORRECT AGAIN? Hohohohoho! I got them good brains baby! At a correlation of .6 no less!?
Hym "Hooooooooooo-MAN! Look at all this malignant narcissism I saw years before the most accomplished psychologist on the planet! Wow I must be some kind of genius! Great job me! Wooooooooo!"
by Hym Iam June 18, 2023
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