Majorfish also known as 'Fish' or 'Fishkers' is the Manager of the Shockwave Citadel Discord Server. Although, due to a lack of activity he was recently passed in chain-of-command by Pianoscout. Fish is infamous for his immature and spiteful acts toward new and old community members. It is surprising to this very day that he is still a staff member.

Fishkers is one of the most recognized member of the community because of his actions. #ImpeachFishFromStaff

Key: SC = Shockwave Citadel
(SOURCES: Shockwave Citadel | SC Website | SC TEXT CHANNELS)
"Man, that MajorFish guy is such an asshole." - Person 1
"I know right, what a jerk." - Person 2
by Xai Choi August 25, 2023
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