by eflatus August 8, 2009
Any Macintosh computer, whether it be a desktop or laptop. Game companies despise the Magic Toaster, seeing it fit only to make toast (which it fails at doing anyways.) The Magic Toaster needs specialized equipment in order to do simple tasks. This is why the vast majority of programs either are PC or Mac compatible. The Magic Toaster simply cannot handle the PC's superiority.
My college major required me to use a Mac, so I switched over from the PC, only to find all my programs don't work with it. Now I have determined it doesn't work for anything, except make toast after heating up after an hour of use. Magic Toaster sux.
by Hojtastic September 2, 2009
A magic toaster is a genie toaster but when the plug of it is rubbed firmly, quickly, roughly, but gentle all at the same time it will grant you warm white/yellow creamy buttery smooth semi sticky butter to butter your toast with. And when that hot butter is shot onto your toast you get 3 wishes. (No asking for infinite wishes you gay bitch) “*toast is not included*”
David: “Yo I found this magic toaster and I rubbed the plug so hard that warm buttery white butter splatted onto my toast.”
Caleb: “Bro the same thing happened last night but I didn’t see the toaster.”
Caleb: “Bro the same thing happened last night but I didn’t see the toaster.”
by Clitty January 27, 2020