must be nice..........
GuyA: Damn I'm full, huge steak dinner.
GuyB: I'm eating chicken Ramen, mbn.
by wikked January 7, 2005
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1. stands for "must be nice" and used sarcastically when someone tells you something that makes them sounds wealthy, carefree, or conceited.
Wealthy Chick: My parents, my sister and I are going to Aruba for Christmas for a week then to Argentina and Brazil to spend the New Year.

Poorer Friend: MBN! shit!!!

Wealthy Chick: What does 'mbn" mean?

Poorer Friend: it means that it Must Be Nice, mutherfucka! Tell your parents to hook ME up!
by El Muñeco December 9, 2005
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depends on the sentence

must be nice or my bad nigga
sam- i have a boyfriend

brea- mbn

Gigi- why you take so long to answer

John- mbn

Gigi- you good
by bbg122567 December 9, 2018
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If your friend sends a typo.. he can be like “mbn” which means. My bad nigga.
by UBN July 14, 2022
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Jack: "I just bought three Alfa Romeos. One for me and the other for me and the other one for my wife"

Me:" Well must be nice " (mbn)
by Babygot_back September 2, 2018
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" 😍😍😍😍goals , Mbnn ! "
by Sexyyy.M October 31, 2017
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RaQuawn: Yo this banana pudding is f*cking garbage!
Tierooone: Aye my moms made that f*cking banana pudding!
RaQuawn: Mbn!
by ShaundaDawn November 30, 2016
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