Many politicians and supporters identify as Never Trump, but on a social progress scale, 100 being truly, meaningfully for progress, and -100 representing the regressiveness of Trump, many of these people are at -99. This is true of Republicans like Romney, Kinzinger, and Cheney, who still vote over 90% with Trump's radically conservative positions, and is also true in Horseshoe Theory, among people who CLAIM to care about things like climate change, reparations, voting rights, gun reform, et al, but say they will sit out the election, or, worse, actively carry water for the GOP, if the 48 Democrat Senators don't magically act like a 68-seat Supermajority.

MAGAdjacent can also be used as a noun to describe people whose political outcomes match the definition above.
"I actually heard a so-called Progressive™ say she would support Liz Cheney for PRESIDENT!!!"
"OMG! Even after Liz made a spectacle of herself after Roe V Wade was struck down?"
"I know! I knew Bros had some MAGAdjacent tendencies, but I had no idea this Bro was officially a MAGAdjacent!"
by the modhatter August 1, 2022
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