When A Girl Or A Boy are so desperate for friends or an intimate partner that they will take even the least attractive and least intelligent etc. as adequate.
by Captain Cream Soda August 5, 2016
Having no self respect and accepting anything regardless of quality. For example, dating a person who you know is a total jerk but you still want to be with them even though you know they're not good for you.
-Did you know that Patricia is dating Michael, that disgusting creep?
-Yeah dude, she has very low standards
-Yeah dude, she has very low standards
by grossm4nn June 26, 2023
when you wll accept dating a person even though you know they arent very attractive and you only take that person because you know thats the best you can get and if one of those people have the disorder its most likley they both have it.
by loserman707 September 17, 2009
When you exaggerate the most minuscule things. One example can be the tinpot club Arsenal who beat a farmers' league team Benfica in Europa league which also can be a synonym for losers' league, and called it one of the greatest european nights for the team. Mfers are down bad.
by proud liverpool fan February 26, 2021