The best sister u will ever have such a great person if u know a lauri then keep her she tries her hardest to make everyone around her happy and she’s great with kids and care alot bout everyone she knows also she likes playing sports
Omg there’s lauri I want lauri as my best friend she’s so nice
by Courtso August 17, 2021
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Lauri is Lauri. Lauri's appearance is pretty close to the walrus, not bad.
by ljnuhjbkiloihb January 7, 2021
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Anne-Laury is a name that descends from 1800's even though its a rare name its really pretty. Anne-Laury 's are mostly people with a big heart and are always there for they're friends. They have an extraordinary imaginations and they love in there own way . Theyr mostly scorpios and are know to be from a supernatural race that would explain why theyr so different from other people. They love animals a lot and protect them . they have trust issues they find it hard to trust people but when they trust u sge will be by ur side to the very end but if u break their trust u will never find it again whom ever you might be . Im an Anne-Laury myself and to anybody who will have this name ur brave and hardworking dont ever give up continue cheering cause thats what make us invincible . I dont know u but ur pretty and i wish i met u.
Anne-Laury Jean Pierre is the one who writed this.cheer up Anne-Laury cheer up and continue.
by Anne-Laury lolo bane November 21, 2021
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