1. A prolapsed anus or very loose sphincter muscle.
2. Someone who is a scheming hypocrite or social climber that steps on others to gain notoriety and fame.
3. Claims the original ideas of others as their own.

4. A person that lies about the quality of their personal line of products or merchandise and engages in shady or illegal selling practices of those products.

Alternative versions:
1. Johnny has a Kukian from way to much fisting.

2. There's Johnny, Kukianing his way through the party. Trying to get all the cool kids to believe he's a world traveling makeup artist and he's just so nice people walk all over him.

3. Did you hear Johnny Kukianed Sally because she did a full faced glitter look.
4. Johnny is being a total Kukian by selling eyeshadow palettes that were supposed to be free gifts at his launch party.
by ParaMomal November 27, 2018
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