Kindergender is someone who feels "trapped" in an adult body, but is still a kid on the inside, and therefore is attracted to other kids.

it's an excuse for pedophila
“hey, you know Brad? He told me he was kindergender
“no way, dude! he's a pedophile?”
“yeah, it's disgusting!”
by -sleepyboy February 14, 2018
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1-Pedophilia with extra steps.
2-People who claim to be children trapped in an adult bodies and are attracted to little kids.
"Kids if a man says he is kinder-gendered, stay away from him/her."

"I knew a guy who claimed to be kindergendered, he is in jail now."
by UnhinjedTaboo December 1, 2018
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While commonly defined as an LGBT term for pedophile, the term was actually concocted by 4chan's /pol/ board in order to make it seem like the LGBT/GSRM community harbors and encourages pedophilia, which is overwhelmingly not the case.
"Did you hear that LGBT people are trying to make pedophilia okay? They call it 'Kindergender'."
"No man, that was made up by 4chan. Being a pedophile doesn't make you LGBT, it just makes you in need of serious mental help."
by Cygnusomega October 8, 2020
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A "gender" where the adult party feels as if they are a kid trapped in an adults body. The adult party feels attraction to children as well...
"Hey man, I would like to come out to you as kindergender, I am a kid trapped and I want to love other kids"
"Isn't that PEDOPHILIA?"
"No, it's kindergender..."
by WeirdEmpoleon February 22, 2017
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