A word used in World of Warcraft (and other MMORPG)whereby a character makes a big commitment to a certan specification of play, then on a whim changes sed specification to be something totally different. Thus rendering his previous commitment and everything they aimed to create. Useless.

(Made when the druid character "Kaylon" in my guild often did crazy re-specifications like the above)
(Druid): Hey guys, i just re-specc'd to Restoration to help heal you guys!

(Warrior): Ah, cool

(Druid): Yeah! i just spent ALL my money on getting expensive gear for this specc


(Druid): .... i decided to go Moonkin specc again.....
.... spare some change?

(Warrior): Dude, you just pulled a Kaylon! and no, you can't have any money.
by Askaul September 11, 2007
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Asshole, White Guy with zero manners and kind of a tool
Kaylon's think they're the smartest, but really they're just exceptionally pretentious
Also really into World War 2 and unbelievably conceited.
Dude, that guy is such a Kaylon, he's got like no respect.
by dominicanbibi December 27, 2013
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A sexy man in the Navy. He is a ginger, with a bunch of crazy tattoos. He has a great sense of humor, and he is an asshole.
You see that ginger over there? He is a Kaylon.

Kaylon is a sexy beast.
by NavyWife December 24, 2011
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kaylon is a tall guy yeah
i like kaylon
by ilikeI September 6, 2022
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Kaylon is a very smart and intelligent girl. She can be the most nicest person, until you see her bad side. She’s always outgoing and has a beautiful personality. She can also be a different person if you push her to the edge.
Kaylon is different
by yujmomd nl November 23, 2021
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Kaylon is a beautiful woman who loves to be admired. She can be the most sweetest person ever but, you never want to meet her bad side. She’s very outspoken and will say anything on her mind even if it hurts you’re feelings. Regardless of the bitchy attitudes and blunt personality, she’s also good to be around and will brighten up your day. To be in her own shell and can tend to be antisocial, she can be very caring and loving to others. don’t let the attitude fool you, there’s really a good person inside that woman!
Kaylon just be herself.
by yujmomd nl November 24, 2021
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