These are some of the best people you’ll ever meet in your life. They’re extremely deserving of all good things that come to them. Not only bc they have been through so much but bc they’re amazing people. They extremely selfless, nerds, chefs, overthinkers, etc. They’re 110% the most reliable people you’ll ever meet. They’re also extremely inspiring to those who wanna do better which is why they’re so loved and appreciated. They may not feel that way all the time but that’s how it is. And lastly there’re EXCEEDINGLY handsome.
Solayna: Mann he looks soo good
God: What do u expect his name is kamarih🤨
by Twinkle Toes ong July 5, 2022
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Kamarih is someone that is extremely deserving. People under this name deserve the world and are one of the only people who are 110% reliable. They’re sweethearts, overthinkers, chefs, nerds, etc. They may have some scars and hardships they’ve been through but that js makes them more of a great person. They put ppl before themselves a little too much but that’s js how they are. Not to mention they are EXCEEDINGLY good looking it’s crazy.
Solayna: Mannn he’s fine ashhh
God: What do u expect his name is kamarih🤨
by Twinkle Toes ong July 5, 2022
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